segunda-feira, 31 de agosto de 2020


Hello, guys!

Do you ever get stressed?

How do you feel when that happens?

Please leave your answer in the comments.

Well, when I’m stressed I feel tired and irritable, and sometimes I get a headache.


Here are some common questions about stress:

How do I know when I’m stressed? 

If you can’t sleep well or can’t concentrate, ...

If you feel depressed or want to cry a lot, ...

If you have headache or an upset stomach, ...

If you can’t relax and you feel irritable, ...

If you are extremely tired, ...

... Then it’s possible you are stressed.


Is stress bad for me?

Occassional stress is common and can be good for you. However, if you feel stressed for a long time, it can be serious. Stress can make you sick. It can also affect your memory or concentration, so work or study is difficult.


What can I do?

Fortunately, there’s a lot you can do. Try some of these relaxation techniques. If you still feel stressed, make an appointment to see your doctor.


Relaxation Technique number

BREATHE > Take a breath, hold it for four seconds, and then breathe out very slowly. Feel your body relax.

2. EXERCISE > Walk or exercise for just 30 minutes each day and feel better.

3. TALK > Call a friend. Talk about your problems.

4. Meditate > Close your eyes and focus on something calm. Feel relaxed.

5. PAMPER YOURSELF > Take a hot bath, or have a massage.

6. DO SOMETHING YOU ENJOY > Listen to music. Sing. Watch TV. Meet a friend. Travel.

Department of Health – “Take care of yourself.”


Which relaxation ideas do you like?

Do you think it is helpful?

Hope to hear from you soon! and

Take good care of yourself!



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